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Staking is a way for people to earn a fixed interest by locking up their tokens in staking pools created by the Steer team. Users need to stake their tokens for a specific period of time to earn rewards, which can vary from pool to pool.


If you are a protocol looking to incentivised your liqudity. Contact the team on discord.

If a user decides to unstake their tokens before the end of the staking period, they will lose all the rewards accumulated for that specific pool. However, users can stake multiple times within the staking period.

Rewards are automatically claimed when the staking period is completed, and there is currently no way to claim rewards before that time.

There is also an option for users to automate the staking process via creating a Steer app that allow to deposit a specific amount of tokens at a specific time interval. This can be useful for those who have a steady income in that token and do not have all the tokens they want to stake at once.

Also, users can also deposit liquidity in the Steer liquidity managers and directly stake the LP tokens collected from that deposit. This means users can earn two types of yields: one from the automated liquidity manager and the other from the staked LP tokens.


This is subject to change. Follow us on discord to stay updated.