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Steer Network

Steer Network Of NodesSteer Nodes
The Steer network is built for data processing, and to accomplish this goal it's necessary to distribute workloads amongst various participants. This provides support not only for data processing but also for the security of the system.Steer Network

Steer Nodes are responsible for data transformation and computation for on-chain execution. These nodes handle all processing off the blockchain, resulting in significantly lower gas costs.

The network consists of the following actors:

  1. The Steer Nodes (Runners):
    • Runners are responsible for:
      • Fetching data from sources via data connectors. These connectors organize data which is to be consumed by the execution engine.
      • The execution engine then runs its execution bundle and signals a message of the results, which are then encrypted and published to the network.
      • Each app execution is tied to an epoch and its underlying data. This data is retrieved by the keeper nodes and, if consensus is achieved, published on-chain.
  1. The Keeper Nodes (Miners):
    • Acts as the moderator of the Steer Network, they facilitate proper execution of a given app to ensure consistency between node runners.
    • Responsible for curating results submitted by the Runners and coming to consensus.
    • Submits action requests to the orchestrator contract. Keepers then come to their own consensus by voting for the action via the on-chain orchestrator.

To become a Keeper, join our discord and reach out to the team!

  1. Orchestrator:
    • The Orchestrator is the helper contract that aids Keepers by executing the result that is being produced by the Steer network nodes.
    • More information on the Orchestrator can be found on the contracts section.

Why do we need a Network?

Steer is trying to achieve full decentralization and in order to do so we rely on consensus both off-chain and on-chain. This is different from the current offerings in the industry. The Steer network is built on top of IPFS, the leading distributed file system, and libp2p, a modular network stack that allows for distributed communication.

It has been purpose-built to solve computational problems with a generalized approach. We believe with the proper incentives and cryptographic encryption and proofs, we can achieve a fully decentralized keeper network over time.