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Steer App Engines: Ecosystem Abstraction

App engines are specialized, Steer-compatible smart contracts that serve as the backbone for web3 protocol abstraction. Designed with specific logic and parameters, these engines undergo rigorous auditing to ensure the secure and accurate execution of every Steer app that operates on them.

The Steer ecosystem provides a robust framework for building intent-driven apps, with App Engines simplifying development and expanding the capabilities of various protocols.

The first app engine built by Steer was the Uniswap & Algebra Liquidity Manager, which simplifies automation of anything and everything relating to market making on Uniswap V3 and Algebra licenced AMM's. This was expanded to all other CLAMMs, and people have been able to implement any sort of logic and handling of liquidity position management.

App Engines provide a variety of helper functions and infrastructure that make automating with a web3 protocol easy for all users. This abstraction layer removes the limitations most developers and users might face when wanting to create advanced processes, allowing users to bring data pulled from any source, process advanced decision making, and manage any on chain logic. As more App Engines are created over time, these abstraction building blocks can be used in junction with each other to create complex multi protocol interactions to meet the complex needs of any user.

Example App Engines

Steer Protocol Apps

  • Liquidity Managers for CLAMMs (Uniswap V3, Algebra, etc)
  • Loaning and lending platforms (AAVE, Yearn, etc)
  • Trading platforms, perpetual futures (DEXs, dYdX,...)
  • Bridge managers for arbitrage
  • Liquid Staking
  • Decentralized Social Media Automation
  • and more...

A major benefit of app engines is the ability to build off of shared resources for common implementations on these app engines. This composability turbocharges the possibilities and speed that you can bring complex web3 solutions to fruition.