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Steer Network

The Steer Network serves as the settlement layer within the Steer ecosystem, designed to unlock new possibilities in web3 by enhancing scalability and interoperability for Steer Apps. It powers user experiences through a specialized L3 chain, delivering ultra-efficient, high-throughput execution across more than 30 blockchains, while enabling seamless cross-chain bridging—all at a significantly reduced cost.

How it works

After a job's data pipeline is completed and its execution is processed, the generated final output for the app intent is sent to the Steer Network. Here, the outputs undergo on-chain voting and consensus verification to ensure the accuracy of the app intent execution. Once consensus is reached, the app intents are executed on the destination chain over the bridge and are recorded on blockchain, completing the process securely and efficiently.

Steer Network employs advanced services to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of app intent executions. The Transaction Manager is a critical component that guarantees the reliable execution of all app intents, ensuring seamless operations across the network. Additionally, the Gas Optimizer works to reduce expenses by optimizing the execution of intents, securing the lowest possible gas prices for users.

Key Components

Steer Chain (Coming Soon)

A chain built to deliver hyper-performance for all Steer apps, validating transactions at speeds aligned with target chains at a cost-effective rate. Built on an L2 chain, Steer Chain delivers scalability and enables complex data-rich apps to be executed without the typical blockchain challenges. Steer Chain ensures that app intents are computed accurately & recorded on the blockchain.

The value of the Steer chain lies in the reduced gas expenses paid for by the node operators chains. Typically when a Steer automated action is taken, the voting for consensus happens on the destination chain. Moving this voting to the Steer chain can lower gas spent and reduce the time to reach consensus.

Key Features

Scalable and Efficient

  • Leverages L2 scalability to handle complex, data-rich apps
  • Ensures seamless performance without typical blockchain bottlenecks


  • Designed for speed
  • Validates transactions at rates aligned with target chains
  • Delivers unmatched hyper-performance for all Steer Apps

Near Zero-Gas Cost

  • Operates with near-zero gas costs
  • Cost-effective solution for executing app intents on any blockchain

Powered By Steer Token

  • Fueled by the Steer Token
  • Ensures token utility and overall boost in ecosystem

Steer Bridge (Coming soon)

Designed for seamless, secure cross-chain interaction and settlement for any type of app intents on the destination chain. With support for over 30+ chains, deploy Steer apps on one chain and execute on any chain, bringing chain abstraction to the masses.

Steer has plans to work with Hyperlane and potentially other interop providers to bring the best experience to our users.

The composability of having cross chain messaging with Steer's very own chain boosts efficiency as mentioned, but also gives way to cross-chain applications that connect the broader ecosystem as a whole.

Key Features

Chain Abstraction - Gateway to Cross-Chain

  • Enables apps to be deployed on one chain and effortlessly executed across multiple chains
  • Broad interoperability

One-Click Cross-Chain Interaction

  • Effortlessly interact across multiple chains with just one click
  • Enables seamless and secure cross-chain settlement for app intents

Seamless Cross-Chain Settlement

  • Ensures smooth and secure settlement of app intents across multiple chains
  • Provides a unified experience in a fragmented blockchain ecosystem

Support for 30+ Chains and Growing

  • Robust support for over 30 chains
  • Continuous expansion
  • Ensures broad compatibility and future-proof cross-chain operations

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