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Reward Campaigns


When a protocol wishes to incentivize certain actions by giving tokens as rewards to users, they can create a reward campaign. Campaigns have specific characteristics and parameters that define their behavior and structure.

Campaign Characteristics

  • Campaigns run for a defined period, from a start block to an end block.
  • A set total amount of rewards is distributed linearly over time.
  • Campaign creators must provide the full rewards at the beginning.
  • Campaigns can be paused or cancelled, with remaining funds refunded.
  • Creators select a distribution bundle and its configuration to determine incentivized actions and other necessary parameters.
  • Black lists and white lists can be used to maximize the effectiveness of reward spending.

Campaign Data

idnumberUnique identifier for the campaign
liquidityPoolstringAddress of the associated liquidity pool
rewardTokenstringAddress of the token used for rewards
creatorstringAddress of the campaign creator
startBlockstringBlock number at which the campaign starts
endBlockstringBlock number at which the campaign ends
distributionAmountstringTotal amount of tokens to be distributed as rewards
abandonedDeadlinestringDeadline after which the campaign is considered abandoned
cumulativeAllocatedstringTotal amount of rewards allocated so far
lastBlockUpdatedTonumberLast block number the campaign was updated to
pausedbooleanIndicates if the campaign is currently paused
closedbooleanIndicates if the campaign has been closed
ipfsHashstringIPFS hash for additional campaign data
chainIdnumberID of the blockchain network the campaign is on
ponderDbIdentifierstringIdentifier for the campaign in the Ponder database
executionBundlestringIdentifier for the distribution bundle used
executionParamsstringParameters for the execution of the distribution bundle
descstringDescription of the campaign
created_atstringTimestamp of when the campaign was created
updated_atstringTimestamp of the last update to the campaign
campaignEventIdstringIdentifier for events associated with the campaign
campaignIdstringAnother identifier for the campaign (possibly for cross-referencing)

Creating a Campaign

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