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Steer's Off-Chain Compute

At the heart of Steer's cloud infrastructure lies a powerful feature: the ability to run off-chain compute. This capability addresses several limitations inherent in on-chain smart contract execution, opening up new possibilities for complex computational tasks in blockchain applications. By enabling app intents logic to be executed off-chain with any data while still allowing the results to be used on-chain, Steer creates a bridge between the expansive world of off-chain computation and the secure, transparent realm of blockchain transactions.

Advantages of Off-Chain Compute

Steer's off-chain compute approach offers numerous advantages over traditional on-chain execution. It significantly reduces the costs associated with storing and executing complex logic on-chain, making it more economical to implement sophisticated algorithms and data processing.

Security is enhanced as potential vulnerabilities associated with complex on-chain logic are minimized. The system also expands the capabilities of blockchain applications by overcoming the limitations of on-chain data structures and libraries. This allows for the implementation of computationally heavy logic and extensive data transformation and processing that would be impractical or impossible to execute entirely on-chain.

The Steer Compute System

The Steer ecosystem system enables the execution of app intents based of web3 protocol abstraction by various nodes, reaching consensus on computation results, and taking on-chain actions based on these off-chain computations. This opens up a world of possibilities for blockchain applications.

Developers can now implement complex decision trees that evaluate contract states to trigger specific actions. Intensive compute solving for blockchain becomes feasible, including tasks such as numerical analysis, optimization, linear algebra, differential equations, and probability theory. Even neural network computations can be integrated into blockchain applications through this system.

Steer's Computation Environments & Compute Marketplace

Steer Cloud provides a cutting-edge compute marketplace that significantly enhances the capabilities and security of decentralized applications. This marketplace offers a range of advanced cryptographic solutions, each designed to address specific security and performance needs.

Advanced Cryptographic Solutions

  1. Multi-Party Computation: Steer Cloud implements m-of-n systems, a cryptographic approach that requires m out of n total parties to agree for an action to be taken. This system enhances security and decentralization by ensuring that no single party has complete control over critical operations. It can be applied in various contexts, such as:

    • Distributed key management
    • Consensus mechanisms for computation results
    • Approval processes for high-stakes operations
  2. Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs): TEEs provide isolated execution environments that guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the code and data loaded inside them. This is crucial for handling sensitive information or performing computations that require a high level of security assurance.

  3. ZKWASM-based Compute: This innovative approach combines WebAssembly with zero-knowledge proofs, allowing for verifiable computation. It enables the execution of complex logic while providing cryptographic proof of correct execution, enhancing transparency and trust in the computation results.

Security and Reliability

The diverse array of providers in the Steer Cloud marketplace, combined with these advanced cryptographic solutions, creates a robust and secure computation environment. This setup helps to:

  • Prevent single points of failure
  • Enhance resistance to attacks and manipulations
  • Ensure the integrity and confidentiality of computations

By leveraging these various cryptographic solutions, Steer Cloud secures the environment in which computations are run. This multi-layered approach to security allows applications to handle sensitive data and perform critical operations with a high degree of confidence.

In the spirit of community and collaboration, Steer offers a Compute Marketplace where any compute provider can offer their compute service to steer ecosystem.


If you or your compute provider and interested in running offering your compute to steer ecosystem of partners and users, please reach out to the Steer team! Connect with us


Steer's off-chain compute capabilities and advanced computation environments, powered by WebAssembly and a range of cryptographic solutions, offer a robust and secure platform for implementing complex logic in blockchain applications. By combining the flexibility and power of off-chain computation with the security and transparency of blockchain, Steer enables developers to create more sophisticated, efficient, and scalable decentralized applications. This approach not only solves current limitations in blockchain development but also paves the way for future innovations in the field, setting new standards for performance, security, and capability in the world of decentralized applications.