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Steer Protocol's V2 Data Connector architecture provides a powerful way for developers to utilize 3rd-party resources as part of their strategies. They provide on-and-off chain data to be utilized in the decentralized applications built on top of Steer's platform.

Comparision to V1

Steer's V2 Data Connectors solves many issues that plagued the previous V1 Data Connectors. It fixes many memory-related bugs as well as providing a more optimized and friendly DX.

  1. Synchronous Fetching - Does away with the older and more confusing style of Callback Logic and instead makes use of Asyncify to make the fetch() calls synchronous. The as-fetch library is used to interact with this API.
  2. CCXT Bindings - Allows Data Connectors to fetch price and other OHLCV data from nearly any supported exchange.
  3. Many fixed bugs - OOM issues, corrupted data, and more fixed.


  1. Either Node, Deno, or Bun installed
  2. The Git CLI installed
  3. A WebAssembly compatible language. (See this List for compatible langs)
  4. A build of Binaryen to apply Asyncify control flow

Use cases and examples

Steer's Data Connectors provide a translation layer between a decentralized application and the external Web2/Web3 world. Any external API can be called under the HTTP/s protocol and the data ingested by the dApp.

Off-Chain Data Connectors

An example of an off-chain data connector is provided Here, which fetches data from the TheGraph to fetch the Uniswap V3 swap data and convert it to OHLCV data and candles.

On-Chain Data Connectors

A different data connector which fetches on-chain data is provided Here. It fetches data using the TheGraph or Ethers to either fetch data or call the raw functions.