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On-Chain Data Connectors

If your app needs input directly from the blockchain, you can either use TheGraph to read indexed events from transactions, or you can call view and pure functions to get results. State changing methods and calls are not supported with data connectors.


To make a chain-reading data connector, you will need to add a property to the config called isChainRead which is to be set to true. If you include a hidden field set to true this field will be hidden in the UI and assigned it's default value.

Config Example (Assemblyscript)

  export function configForm(): string {
return `{
"title": "Calls ERC-20's 'totalSupply' function",
"description": "Input config for reading the total supply of a token",
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"address": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Contract Address",
"description": "Address of the token to be read"
"chainId": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Chain ID",
"description": "Chain from which to call view function (i.e. Ethereum Mainnet would be '1' and Polygon Mainnet is '137', check the documentation for the full list of supported chains)"
"isChainRead" : {
"type": "boolean",
"title": "Is this a view or pure contract call?",
"default": true,
"hidden": true

The public facing interface for on-chain data connectors is the same as regular data connectors:

export function initialize(config: string): void;
export function execute(response: string): string;
export function transform(): string;
export function config(): string;

The primary difference in functionality comes in what is returned by the main() function. Where off-chain data connectors return an Axios config object, on-chain data connectors must return a stringified object with the following elements:

interface onChainRequest
abi: any[]; // The ABI of the contract being called (only the method being called is required)
address: string; // The address of the contract
method: string; // The name of the method to be called
arguments: any[]; // An array of the input parameters for the method
chainId: number; // Chain Id of the chain to make the view call on; i.e. 1 is Eth mainnet or 56 for BSC

The callback system is the same with on-chain connectors. Once the appropriate response is returned, main() should return 'true' to terminate the callback loop. Final data should be returned when transform() is called.

main() Example (Assemblyscript)

  export function main(response: string): string {

// Check if respone is first call
if (response == ''){
// return payload
return `{
"abi" : [{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"totalSupply","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"uint256"}],"payable":false,"stateMutability":"view","type":"function"}],
"address" : ` + address + `,
"arguments" : [],
"method" : "totalSupply",
"chainId" : ` + chainId + `

// Parse through the BN object for the hex
const bigNum = <JSON.Obj>JSON.parse(response);
const _hex = bigNum.getString("hex")
if (_hex == null) throw new Error()
supply = _hex._str;
return 'true'


Under the hood, the node uses Ethers to perform the call. If the function returns a single value, the output will be that type stringified. If the function returns multiple values, they will be returned in a stringified array. The call will be made at a uniform block across the nodes based on epoch timing.


Ethers uses BigNumber for numeric types beyond a certain size. When forming the arguments array, ensure any numeric values are valid BigNumberish types. Any numbers over Javascript's max safe integer will likely cause problems, cast as a string or hex, or make a stringified BigNumber object to ensure intended behaviour. If a return value is within Javascript's safe range, then it will be returned as a regular number type.

Stringified BigNumber objects will resemble the following: {"type":"BigNumber","hex":"0x17"}

Transformation of BigNumbers or logic in the execution/app bundle might require a library for big numbers.


Here are some libraries for handling big numbers in some common languages with no native support:


Use this template to get started with your own on-chain data connector.