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Provide Feedback, Report Bugs & Feature Request

Providing feedback, reporting bugs, and requesting features on testnets is important because it helps the development team identify and fix issues, as well as understand user needs and preferences. This ensures that the final product is of high quality and meets the needs of the user community.

By participating in the testing process, users can also help shape the direction of the project and ensure that it meets their needs and expectations. This is especially important for open-source projects like Steer Incentivized Testnet, where the community plays a key role in the development and success of the project. There are several ways you can provide feedback, report bugs, and request features on Steer Incentivized Testnet:

The best and easiest way is to Use Chatbox “Gleap” Embedded in the testnet -

  1. Gleap chat is present on the right side bottom of the page. gleap-icon.png

  2. Click on the icon to open Gleap, you will be provided with 3 options

    1. Report an issue
    2. Request a feature
    3. Send us a message


  3. Click the action you want to perform and then fill out the form. gleap-action.png


    Note: You can also record the screen by pressing the record button.

  4. Press submit and you are done.

How to view my submitted request status and chat?

  1. Open Gleap again and click on the message icon at the bottom. gleap-action.png

  2. You can now see all submitted messages, click on them to know the status.

Few other ways to provide feedback -

  1. Join the Steer community on Discord: The Steer team and community members are active on Discord and you can get help and provide feedback in the relevant channels.
  2. Submit a GitHub issue: If you have identified a bug or have a feature request, you can submit a GitHub issue on the Steer Incentivized Testnet repository.
  3. Contact the Steer team directly: You can also contact the Steer team directly through their website or through their social media channels (e.g., Twitter, discord) to provide feedback or report issues.

Note: If you are using the other feedback methods do provide your wallet address first.