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Requirements for Participation

To be eligible to use the Steer Incentivized Testnet, you must mint a Steer OG token. These tokens can be obtained for free on the Ethereum mainnet, but you will need to pay the network gas cost.

In addition to providing access to the Testnet, the OG token also grants you access to an exclusive OG group on Discord and various perks and rewards. By obtaining an OG token, you become an "OG" (Original Gangster) and can take advantage of all the benefits that come with it.

To mint an OG token via Steer Incentivized Testnet you can -

  1. Launch the Steer testnet via

  2. After you have connected your wallet, we check if the wallet you area connected with holds a OG token or not, if not you will be prompted to mint. mint.png

  3. After a successful mint transaction, refresh and you will be able to access the incentivized testnet.

The OG token can also be direclty minted via syndicate (our OG tokens partners). Below are some steps to mint direclty on syndicate :-

  1. Launch syndicate app via -

  2. Connect your wallet, the network should be mainnet for Steer OG token. connect.png

  3. Click on Join this Collective. Collective.png

  4. Then, next step is to Click on Claim. and then pay for the gas. Claim.png

  5. Once the transaction is successful, Congratulations you are an OG member. og.png


Note: We dont promote the selling of Steer OG tokens on secondary marketplaces. OG tokens are free to mint.